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Inchree Chalets Terms & Conditions of Booking


The following simple & reasonable terms & conditions are to ensure all guests enjoy their stay at Inchree, and would wish to return again.

Please note that an accommodation booking cannot be accepted without prior agreement by the booker to these Terms & Conditions.


​Arrival & Departure

  • The period of occupancy of the accommodation is from 4pm on day of arrival up to 10am on day of departure.

  • The Booker binds and obliges themselves to vacate the premises without demand at the termination of the period of hire.


Occupation of  Accommodation / Maximum Number of Persons Allowed 

  • The maximum number of persons occupying accommodation can only be as per number of fitted bedspaces within. This includes any children / infants / babies. It is the booker's responsibility to choose the correct chalet type to suit their party's configuration and requirements. 

  • Additional persons will not be accepted, and we do not provide campbeds / blow-up mattresses, etc.

  • Please note that we do not wish guests to sleep on upholstery. We therefore do not provide extra bedding to facilitate this.


Low-Occupancy Discount

  • Any low-occupancy discount that has been given for less than 3 persons occupying accommodation becomes payable if there are any extra persons staying within it for any night(s) throughout the hire period.

  • If the booker's numbers increase to 3+ prior to arrival, it is their responsibility to then contact Inchree to state this. The regular and advertised tariff shall then apply. 

  • We reserve the right to terminate the hire without notice and refund where a breach of either of the above condition occurs, and no notice of increase in occupancy has been given.



  • Smoking is strictly not permitted in any building interior.

  • Persons may smoke outside but cigarette butts must not be discarded on the ground.

  • In the event of persons being discovered smoking within a building interior, we reserve the right to terminate the group’s stay with us with immediate effect.

  • In the above scenario, and also in the event of evidence of smoking being clearly discovered within accommodation after a group’s departure, we will levy an excess cleaning charge on the Booker.

  • Such a charge will reflect the additional labour time and materials required to deep-clean / defumigate the accommodation, and for any potential loss of custom resulting from us being unable to let the accommodation due to smoke smell.


Accommodation Left in an Unacceptably Untidy / Dirty Condition

  • We reserve the right to levy an excess cleaning charge on the Booker should the accommodation be vacated in a condition which exceeds a normal level of acceptability.

  • The confirmation of such a condition will be made by at least 2 persons, one of whom will be the housekeeper and the other a member of the management team. Photos will also be taken

  • The charge made will reflect the additional labour time and / or materials required to clean the accommodation, and the booker shall be informed, in writing, of this excess charge.


Dogs / Pets

  • Please note that we do not accept bookings with a pet. 

  • You, the booker, therefore agree, on behalf of all your party, to not bring a dog(s) onto our property. 

  • This includes intending to keep the pet within a vehicle overnight.

  • If you choose to ignore this condition and still bring your dog(s), you will either;

  • -be denied entry to the accommodation and your booking shall be cancelled. In such a scenario the booker shall still be liable for payment of any outstanding balance on the chalet booking. Or;

  • -if the party has already occupied the chalet, you will asked to leave the chalet with immediate effect as soon as it is becomes known that you have brought a dog(s). In such a scenario, if the party refuses to vacate the chalet we will make an immediate £200 surcharge on the booker's account, in addition to any outstanding balance on the chalet booking. 


Any Variation to Your Booking Details / Circumstances

  • Any variation to your booking details or circumstances, such as change of dates or party numbers, etc., must be confirmed in writing to us, by e-mail or text.


Parking of Caravans and Motorhomes / Campervans On-site

  • The parking on-site of caravans, motorhomes or campervans is not allowed under any circumstances., without first obtaining the expressed permission of the management.



  • Camping / pitching of a tent is not allowed on-site under any circumstances.


Use of Barbeques or Candles

  • Any use of disposable barbeques is strictly limited to on the stone patio area outside respective chalet, and must be used in a safe and controlled manner so no permanent marking is left.  

  • Disposable barbeques must never be used on top of picnic tables or on grass areas.

  • They must never be placed in on-site refuse bins before having been left to cool outside for at least 48 hours after use, and then placed in a sealed bag prior to disposable.

  • Candles are not permitted to be used within the accommodation under any circumstances.


Non-arrival of Party

  • If the entire party involved in the occupancy has not arrived by 11am on the day after the hire start date, and have not informed us they shall be late, we reserve the right to re-let the accommodation.

  • The Booker will be responsible for payment of any balance amount still outstanding that cannot be regained by re-letting.


Circumstances Leading to Accommodation becoming Unavailable (Outwith our control)

No refund of any pre-paid deposit or balance will be made to the booker if cancellation is due to widespread disruption which is beyond the control of FWT Ltd. (trading as Inchree), for example:


  • Acts of war, terrorism or criminal action.

  • Industrial disputes, riots, civil commotion.

  • Natural disasters (e.g. earthquake, flood, volcanic eruption, tidal wave, storm).

  • Epidemic of disease in humans, animals or birds.

  • Adverse weather conditions.


The above list is not exhaustive.


Holiday Insurance

  • FWT Ltd. (trading as Inchree Chalets) does not provide insurance against stay cancellation, loss or damage to personal belongings, nor personal injury or illness sustained while on holiday. The booker should independently arrange suitable cover for this, if desired.


Specific Accommodation Requests

  • Although we will try to comply with specific requests, we are not obliged to provide any particular accommodation. 


Advertised Tariffs

  • We reserve the right to alter our advertised accommodation tariffs at any time. We are under no obligation to refund any part monies paid in advance for a specific booking period and the advertised tariff is subsequently reduced at any time after booking.


Accident and / or Injury Occurring On-site

  • Any accident or injury to persons whilst on-site should be reported to the management immediately.

  • We will not be held responsible for any personal injury sustained on-site, save so far as it results from our own legally proven negligence.


Loss or Damage to Personal Property Occurring On-site

  • Any loss or damage to  personal property whilst on-site should be reported to the management immediately.

  • We will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to any personal property save so far as it results from our own proven negligence in a court of law.


Loss of Key to Chalet

  • If you lose your accommodation key while here, we will levy a charge against the booker of £30 for replacement of key and fob.

  • If you depart your accommodation with your key, and we are unable to obtain it again, we will levy a charge of £150 against the booker, for replacement of accommodation lock, key & fob.


Personal and Group Behaviour While On-site

  • We reserve the right to repossess the accommodation at any time where any inappropriate or antisocial behaviour, or damage to property or annoyance to other guests has occurred.

  • This includes, in particular, any drunkenness and/ or  subsequent loud noise made by persons whilst on-site at any time of the day.

  • In such a scenario, such persons responsible will be told to leave the premises immediately.

  • In the event of any further disruption caused, the police will be called by the management to remove such persons from the premises.

  • We shall not be liable to make a refund of any portion of the balance amount already paid, and will levy a charge against the Hirer for any outstanding balance of the length of stay completed, but not yet paid for.

  • In consideration of all our guests, we require that noise be kept to a minimum during night-time hours.


Problems or Dissatisfaction With Your Stay

  • It is important to Inchree that guests enjoy their stay with us, and every effort is made to ensure this.

  • However, in the unlikely event of dissatisfaction with the accommodation or any subsequent problem, the Booker should immediately contact the management to give them the opportunity to rectify or explain any problem.

  • A complaint will not be entertained if it is made at the end of a stay, nor after the stay by letter, e-mail or telephone call, when it will surely be appreciated that it will not be possible for the matter to be effectively investigated and verified.


Damage to Property

  • The Booker is ultimately responsible for the accommodation and it’s belongings during the period of occupancy, and is expected to take all necessary care.

  • The Booker agrees to pay the necessary amount to rectify any damage to accommodation or to replace any lost or damaged belongings, caused by any member of their party. Inferior replacement items are not acceptable.


Electrical Vehicle Charging

  • There is no provision for electrical vehicle charging at Inchree. Details of local charging points can be got from Charge Scotland.

  • For safety reasons, charging an EV vehicle via a mains electrical point within the chalet is strictly forbidden.


Drone Use

  • Use of a drone within our boundary is strictly prohibited at all time, unless the expressed, written permission has first been obtained from the managament. 


Access to Property

  • The Booker undertakes to leave the accommodation secure if left unoccupied during the period of let and to allow access by the management or employees for any reason deemed appropriate.


Declination of a Booking By Us

  • We reserve the right to decline a booking or to refuse to hand over the accommodation to any person who in our opinion, is not suitable to take charge. In this case, any balance amount already paid shall be refunded in full, and the contract shall be discharged without further liability on either party.



  • The Booker will not sub-let the accommodation booked, or any part thereof.



  • The Booker accepts the contract is between themself and FWT Ltd. (T/A Inchree Chalets) and is subject to Scottish Law.

  • Your statutory rights are not affected by any of these conditions.

  • We reserve the right to vary these terms & conditions from time to time, according to any changes in our policies.

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